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The King’s Mouthpiece 승정원일기

The King’s Mouthpiece 승정원일기

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Publication date: 07.20.2019



Foreword: The Diaries of the Royal Secretariat: A Korean Treasure and World Heritage

Part I. A UNESCO Memory of the World Heritage
Daily Records of State Affairs Kept by the Royal Secretariat of the Joseon Dynasty
The Value of the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat

Part II. A Leap through Time with the Diaries
1 Then and There
Yi Wonik, Whose Mere Presence Was a Source of Comfort to the King
The Hawk Kim Sangheon and the Dove Choe Myeonggil Had the Same Allegiance
Take Care upon Care, for This Is His Majesty’s Person
A King and His Minister Are like Father and Son
Take Impartiality to Heart
A Standoff between a Minister and a Staff Officer
King Yeongjo and Crown Prince Sado on a Spring Day
Yeongjo’s Fiftieth Birthday Celebration
Asking Commoners about Equal Service
The Editor?Compiler of the Royal Archives: A Natural Son’s Dream
Please Strike That Day from the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat
Western Thought is a Branch of Buddhism
The Royal Secretariat Is Dissolved
Slipping Opium into Gojong’s Coffee
2 Scenes from the Past
What Did Chinese Envoys Do during Their Fortnight’s Stay in Seoul?
A Monarch and His Courtier Speak Their Minds
The Pros and Cons of Government Communications
Weather Anomalies Have Kept Me from Ever Sleeping with My Legs Outstretched
Were the Performance Evaluations Fair?
Magistrates Take Their Leave
The Literati’s Spirit Must Not Be Broken
How Is Your Majesty’s Health?
Daring to Defy a Royal Summons
In the King’s Presence
There Is Grey Hair in That Picture as Well
Who but He Would Speak His Mind in My Presence?
Abolish Cruel Punishment
Why King Sunjo Kept Silent in the Classics Lecture
The Many Guises of Cheating on the Civil Examination

Part III. Government Documents Discussed in the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat
1 Words from the King
Royal Edicts: The King’s Work Orders
Royal Memoranda: Notes of the King’s Words
Royal Replies: Communications That Won over Subjects
Royal Communications: Please Be Advised
Royal Messages to the People
Royal Directives: My Wishes Are Thus
2 Reports to the Crown
Recommendations: Suggestions to the Crown
Briefs: Concise Reports to the Crown
Final Reports: Easing Communication between the King and His Officials
Status Reports
Memorials: With Your Majesty’s Leave
Inventories: Itemized Lists for Reporting

Part IV. The King’s Every Move as Seen through the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat
1 A Day in the Life of a Joseon King
Ten Thousand Matters to Review
Studying Late into the Night
2 The Custodians of the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat
The Six Royal Secretaries, also Known as the Men of Letters of the Silver Terrace
Recorders: Royal Secretaries in Training
A Day in the Hectic Life of a Recorder
Low-level Staffers: The Hands and Feet of the Royal Secretariat
3 What Kind of Matters Did the Royal Secretariat Handle?
The Royal Secretariat through Time
Events of the Royal Secretariat throughout the Year
The Duties of the Royal Secretariat

Afterword: Bring the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat Back to Life


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