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1000 Key Korean Idioms and Proverbs

1000 Key Korean Idioms and Proverbs

Regular price $62.33 USD
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Weight : 874g
Size : 167*225*22 mm
Page : 464

[Book Introduction]
This book presents over 1,000 Korean idioms and proverbs in the form of an expression dictionary, designed for foreign learners of Korean to use in everyday conversation. Proverbs and idioms are frequently used in TOPIK questions and are also useful in daily life. The idioms and proverbs are selected based on their frequency and divided into 13 major topics and subtopics. Vivid examples of each expression are presented in a conversational style, accompanied by English translations and audio recordings to enhance understanding. The appendix includes 'Check Questions' and 'Idioms and Proverbs in TOPIK Questions' to help you verify your comprehension and understand how idioms and proverbs are frequently used in TOPIK reading questions, enabling you to prepare for the TOPIK test. 


머리말 Preface 004
이 책의 구성 및 활용 How to use this book 006
목차 Table of Contents 010

1장 감정·정신 Emotions and Senses
1 감동·감탄 Being Moved and Admiration 014
2 걱정·고민 Worries and Troubles 018
3 고통 Pain 025
4 관심 Interest 031
5 불만·분노 Dissatisfaction and Anger 039
6 불안·초조 Anxiety and Nervousness 046
7 안도 Relief 053
8 욕심·실망 Greed and Disappointment 059
9 정신 상태 State of Mind 064

2장 소문·평판 Rumors and Reputation
1 간섭·참견 Interference and Meddling 070
2 긍정적 평판 Positive Reputation 078
3 부정적 평판 Negative Reputation 082

3장 태도 Attitude
1 겸손·거만 Humility and Arrogance 092
2 선택 Choices 096
3 의지 Will 103

4장 행동 Actions
1 대책 Countermeasures 112
2 반응 Reactions 117
3 방해 Obstructions 123
4 소극적 행동 Passive Behavior 127
5 적극적 행동 Active Behavior 133

5장 언어 Language
1 과장 Exaggeration 142
2 말버릇 Way of Speaking 148
3 행위 Action 154

6장 조언·훈계 Advice and Discipline
1 권고·충고 Recommendations and Advice 164
2 조롱 Ridicule 173
3 핀잔 Scolding 178

7장 일·생활 Work and Lifestyle
1 사회생활 Social Life 186
2 속성 Attributes 191
3 실행 Implementation 198
4 의식주 Life Necessities 206
5 종결 Termination 213

8장 경제 활동 Economic Activity
1 손익·소비 Profit & Loss and Consumption 220
2 형편 Circumstances 226

9장 관계 Relationships
1 갈등·대립 Conflict and Opposition 234
2 대우 Treatment 243
3 사교·친교 Social Interactions and Friendships 249
4 사랑·정 Love and Affection 256
5 소통·협력 Communication and Cooperation 262

10장 상황·상태 Situations and Conditions
1 결과 Results 268
2 곤란 Hardships 273
3 문제·문제 해결 Problems and Problem Solving 280
4 분위기·여건 Atmosphere and Conditions 284
5 시간·거리 Time and Distance 293
6 흥미 Excitement 297

11장 판단 Judgment
1 변별 Discrimination 304
2 신체 기관 Bodily Organs 311
3 외모·외형 Appearance and Looks 317
4 인지·인식 Perception and Awareness 323

12장 인생 Life
1 성공 Success 334
2 습관·경험 Habits and Experience 339
3 실패 Failure 350
4 운·기회 Luck and Opportunity 356
5 일생 Lifetime 365

13장 이치 Logic
1 인과 Cause and Effect 372
2 자연 Nature 378
3 진리 Truth 385

〈부록 Appendix〉
문화 이야기 Culture Story 394
확인해 봅시다 Let’s Check 407
TOPIK 속 관용 표현과 속담 Idioms and Proverbs in TOPIK 447
정답 Answer 460
색인 Index 465
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